Hutchings C, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2025. Effects of geographical location and size on the functional properties of harvest mouse Micromys minutus nests in Great Britain. Journal of Zoology 325 (1), 25-35.
Deeming DC, Hutchings CJ, Seaward FG, Goodman AM. 2024. Strength of parrot flight feathers is a function of position on the wing. Current Zoology, zoae041,
Kalybekova ZhT, Goodman A, Zuev EV, Tsygankov VI, Tsygankov AV, Kozhabergenova AB. 2024. Diagnostics of the assortment of spring soft wheat of various geographical origins by seed germination in sucrose solutions with different osmotic pressure and the degree of its adaptability to the acutely dry conditions of Western Kazakhstan. ҚОРҚЫТ АТА АТЫНДАҒЫ ҚЫЗЫЛОРДА УНИВЕРСИТЕТIНIҢ ХАБАРШЫСЫ АУЫЛ ШАРУАШЫЛЫҒЫ ҒЫЛЫМДАРЫ 1 (68), 35-46.
Dickinson AM, Locke E, Gray LA, Bennett SL, Biddle LE, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2022. Composition of nests constructed by species in the Motacillidae, Sylviidae and Prunellidae. Avian Biology Research 15 (1), 21-33.
Bonney H, Goodman AM. 2021. Validity of the use of porcine bone in forensic cut mark studies. Journal of Forensic Sciences 66 (1), 278-284.
Deeming DC, Goodman AM, Biddle LE. 2020. Nests inside out, LifeCycle – the BTO magazine for ringers and nest recorders, BTO – British Trust for Ornithology, 9, 30-31.
Biddle LE, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2020. Wall structure affects insulation of nests built by thrushes. Acta Ornithologica 54 (2), 255-262.
Deeming DC, Dickinson AM, Broughton RE, Locke E, Gray LA, Bennett SL, Gilchrist R, Muniz S, Goodman AM, Biddle LE. 2020. Factors affecting thermal insulation of songbird nests as measured using temperature loggers. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 93 (6).
Biddle LE, Dickinson AM, Broughton RE, Gray LA, Bennett SL, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2019. Construction materials affect the hydrological properties of bird nests. Journal of Zoology 309, 161–171.
Dickinson AM, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2019. Air movement affects insulatory values of nests constructed by Old World warblers. Journal of Thermal Biology 81, 194-200.
Biddle LE, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2018. Infrared thermography provides insight into the thermal properties of bird nests. Journal of Thermal Biology 76, 95–100
Biddle LE, Deeming DC, Goodman AM. 2018. Birds use structural properties when selecting materials for different parts of their nests. Journal of Ornithology
Biddle LE, Broughton RE, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2018. Composition of bird nests is a species-specific characteristic. Avian Biology Research 11, 132–153
Biddle L, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2017. Construction patterns of birds’ nests provide insight into nest-building behaviours. PeerJ 5:e3010
Biddle LE, Goodman AM, Deeming DC. 2016. Geographical effects on the mass and dimensions of finch (Fringillidae, Passeriformes) and thrush (Turdidae, Passeriformes) nests. Avian Biology Research 9, 13-21.
Carballo-Meilan A, Goodman AM, Baron MG, Gonzalez-Rodriguez J. 2016. Application of chemometric analysis to infrared spectroscopy for the identification of wood origin. Cellulose 23, 901-913.
Biddle L, Deeming DC, Goodman AM. 2015. Morphology and biomechanics of the nests of the Common Blackbird Turdus merula. Bird study 62, 87-95.
Carballo-Meilan A, Goodman AM, Baron MG, Gonzalez-Rodriguez J. 2014. A specific case in the classification of woods by FTIR and chemometric: discrimination of Fagales from Malpighiales. Cellulose, 21 (1), 261-273. ISSN: 0969-0239
Hudaib T, Brown S, Goodman AM, Eady PE. 2013. Efficacy of artificial seeds in the delivery of bioactive compounds to the seed dwelling larvae of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 7 (5), 527-533. ISSN: 1872-8855
Bonney H, Colston BJ, Goodman AM. 2011. Regional variation in the mechanical properties of cortical bone from the porcine femur. Medical Engineering and Physics 33, 513-520.
Goodman AM, Haggis L. 2008. Regional variation in the flexural properties of the equine hoof wall. Comparative Exercise Physiology 5, 161-168.
Goodman AM. 2005. Mechanical adaptations of cleavers (Galium aparine). Annals of Botany 95, 475-480.
Booth I, Goodman AM, Grishanov SA, Harwood RJ. 2004. A mechanical investigation of the retting process in dew-retted hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). Annals of Applied Biology 145, 51-58.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR, Booth I. 2002. A mechanical study of retting in glyphosate treated flax stems (Linum usitatissimum L.). Industrial Crops and Products 15: 169-177.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 2001. The effects of mechanical stimulation on the morphology and mechanics of maize roots grown in an aerated nutrient solution. International Journal of Plant Sciences 162, 691-696.
Goodman AM, Crook MJ, Ennos AR. 2001. Anchorage mechanics of the tap root system of winter-sown oilseed rape Brassica napus L. Annals of Botany 87, 293-302.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 1999. The effects of soil bulk density on the morphology and mechanics of the root systems of sunflower and maize. Annals of Botany 83, 293-302.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 1998. Responses of the root systems of sunflower and maize to unidirectional stem flexure. Annals of Botany 82: 347-357.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 1997. The responses of field-grown sunflower and maize to mechanical support. Annals of Botany 79, 703-711.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 1997. The response of roots to mechanical stimulation. In: Jeronmidis G, Vincent JFV editors. Proceedings of the First International Plant Biomechanics Conference I – papers 359-367. Centre for Biomimetics, The University of Reading.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 1996. A comparative study of the response of the roots and shoots of sunflower and maize to mechanical stimulation. Journal of Experimental Botany 47, 1499-1507.
Conference Abstracts
Goodman AM, Biddle L, Deeming DC. 2015. The biomechanical properties of materials in the construction of passerine nests. Nest Construction and Function 2015 Conference proceedings, 9–11 September 2015, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK. In Avian Biology Research 9 (2), 120-125. DOI:
Fielding N, Colston B, Goodman A.M. 2013. Evaluating the use of agricultural moisture probes in the historic built environment. Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition, 18-20 November 2013, New Jersey, USA.
Brooks HW, Goodman AM, Colston BJ. 2010. Investigating responses of archaeological bone to post-retrieval environment. International Council for Archaeozoology Working Groups annual conference “Animal diseases in past human societies”, Katerini, Greece.
Goodman AM, Giddings JJ. 2009. A hard coat, a tough choice? The effects of host seed morphology and mechanics on the egg laying behaviour of the bruchid beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 153: S130-S131.
Goodman AM, Bonney H, Haggis L. 2007. Flexural properties of the equine hoof wall. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 146: S107-S127.
Bonney H, Goodman AM, Colston B. 2007. Regional variation in the microhardness and mineral content of porcine long bones. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 146: S107-S127.
Goodman AM. 2003. Anatomy and mechanics of the stem and lateral roots of cleavers (Galium aparine L.). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 134: 45-46.
Booth I, Goodman AM. 2003. A mechanical study of retting in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) stems. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 134: 45-46.
Goodman AM. 2001. A mechanical study of cleavers (Galium aparine L.): a herbaceous annual with a scrambling-ascending growth habit. Conference abstracts: Society for Experimental Biology annual meeting University of Kent, Kent.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR, Booth I. 2000. A mechanical study of retting in glyphosate treated flax stems (Linum usitatissimum L.) Journal of Experimental Botany (Suppl.) 51.
Goodman AM, Crook MJ, Ennos AR. 1998. Anchorage mechanics of winter-sown oilseed rape Brassica napus. Journal of Experimental Botany (Suppl.) 49.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 1997. Responses of the root systems of sunflower and maize to the effects of unidirectional stem flexure. Journal of Experimental Botany (Suppl.) 48.
Goodman AM, Ennos AR. 1996. A comparative study of the response of the roots and shoots of sunflower and maize to mechanical stimulation. Journal of Experimental Botany (Suppl.) 47.
Undergraduate thesis and PhD thesis
Goodman AM. 1993. The characterisation of fungicide resistance in plant pathogens. Honours thesis. University of Edinburgh.
Goodman AM. 1997. The response of roots to mechanical stimulation. PhD thesis. University of Manchester.